The project “Local Support” helps to improve the bike conditions in Austria. That includes the suitable setting of the spots, certain challenges, workshops and the support of events. The next event is really outstanding: the Teamchallenge on the 23.6.2007. On the occasion of the opening of the bike hall “Secret Project” in Brunn am Gebirge the Austrian Freestyle Team, which includes the hero of the BMX scene
Senad Grosic, invites to the “Local Support Teamchallenge” on Saturday the 23rd June 2007. BMX spots from all over Austria are called upon to send teams, each with 3 riders, to the BMX street parcours in the new hall near Vienna. Eleven obstacles on 850 m² provide enough possibilities for the BMX riders to show their full potential and to convince with various tricks. The performances are judged by the hosts themselves. Senad Grosic and his Austrian Freestyle Team are looking forward to see crazy Austrian action. The reason why: the winners receive a brand new obstacle for their spot. Information and registration on: