Im Sommer 2024 hatten die Bountyhunters zu einem BMX-Streetjam nach Venlo (Niederlande) geladen. Nach der Radtour durch die Straßen der deutsch-niederländischen Grenzstadt stand noch ein Jam auf einem kleinen Rampensetup an. Hier sind die Highlights.
Bob Haro - First Interview for Rom Boys at MK16 back in 2016.
How to structure your BMX Racing training as a beginner.
Im Sommer 2024 hatten die Bountyhunters aus den Niederlanden zu einem BMX-Streetjam nach Venlo geladen. Giano Vacca war vor Ort, um die Highlights des Tages für die Nachwelt festzuhalten. Yeww!
Simple Session is almost here! If you're considering going, you definitely should. More info here
Ride along with the BSD and Empire squads as they join forces in Austin, TX for a good ol' sesh with the locals, and the chance to win Trent Lutzke's bike which was up for grabs at the end of the day. Featuring: Tam Roulston, Reed Stark, Grant Yoobie, Denim Cox, Curly Mayne, Brett Silva, Logan Pengberg, Matt Nordstrom, Jared Duncan, Johnny Raekes, and way more. Keep your eyes peeled for some legendary spots too. What a day!
What a week… supercross for my birthday, what else? :) and it’swarm again here in TX. WeOutOutOutHere.
Name: Alvaro Esquivel
Age: 26
Hometown: San Vito, Costa Rica
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Cult, 360 bs, North Point
The FAT Favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Marbella Skatepark
-BMX video: All the Wilderness stuff
-Website: Chat GPT
-Food: Healthy or pasta
-Person on Instagram: Jarren Barboza
-Travel destination: Estonia
-Riders to ride with: Wilderness Gang
-Car: Ferrari
-Movie or Serie: Suits
-Colour: Green