The brand new Federal signature frame from Anthony Perrin has been completely redesigned with a shorter rear end which is 12.9” slammed. This frame is also the first to feature the new investment cast (ICS) chain stay wishbone to allow better clearance for wide tyres. The frame has also been updated to include IC dropouts, seat clamp and seat stay bridge.
Federal bikes are currently working on a full length video project called FTS and during the course of filming will be releasing the LOST IT Volumes giving an insight into the progress of FTS.
Video by Rich Forne.
Federal Bikes are currently working on a full length video project with Rich Forne called “FTS” and will be releasing a series of short videos called “Lost it” showcasing behind the scenes footage. This is Volume 1 and was filmed during a team trip to Philadelphia.
Jordan spent a few days in Grantham and Nottingham to catch up with old friends and hit the streets.