Plug and play! The beauty of the Big Air Bag is that you roll it out, put the plug into the electrical outlet and a giant landing occurs right in front of you. But it doesn't stop there as a roll-in is needed that sends you to the take-off with enough speed to clear the gap. As usual the 040BMXPARK crew had taken care of everything and did the measurements of the height of the roll-in that was needed and the took care of the correct dimensions of the launch ramp. The only thing the riders needed was the balls to roll in and send it. It was an opportunity for some to learn new tricks. The set-up was out there for anyone to use and with riders like Shaun Gornall, Niels van Maaren, Paul Thoelen, Tom van den Bogaard, Shanice Silva Cruz, Erik van de Wardt, Daniel Wedemeijer, Jari Roggeveen and a whole bunch of young rippers, the session lasted all afternoon.