Sunday, last full day in Cali, and it was cloudy. So weird, haha. But we did come prepared and brought warm clothes, even a rain jacket. We've got plenty and need them all the time in The Netherlands but normally in So Cal not so much. Anyway, preparation is key. We had planned to meet up with McGoo that day but it didn't work out in the end. We still headed that direction and stopped at the Kawasaki test track and then searched for the other test tracks at the next exit. We drove up the hill and did not see anything. But we felt we were close. We parked the Rogue, hiked up a bit to discover 6 Supercross test tracks! Exploring is fun, especially when you find something you were looking for.
Video Description: BMX Flatland Professional rider Camilo performs maneuvers on the Asphalt surface of the Bike Park, that was drained & dried to allow to do Flatland bmx tricks. Have a look to the process of building this Bicycle Race Track on the Rain water retention Basin of the Airport Tempelhof, in the middle of Berlin, but also the use with Mountain Bicycles.