Name: Brenten Wylie
Age: 23
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hook-ups/Sponsors: None, someone hook your boy up haha
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Forks Plaza Bowl
-BMX video: Deadline dvd
-Website: FATBMX
-Web video: Julian Arteaga 2017 sunday/common video
-Food: Mmm maybe wings
-Twitter to follow: @GarfieldPipe @scienceshitpost
Name: Jayde Cunningham
Age: 25
Hometown: Lasalle, Ontario, Canada
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Hook a brother up!
The FAT favorite list:
-Spot to ride: All-in skatepark
-BMX video: Jayde Cunningham 2012 lol
-Website: Netflix
-Web video: Drew Bezanson Uncontainable
-Food: Burrito bowls
-Twitter to follow: Donald Trump
-Person on Instagram: butteryfilms
-Travel destination: Banff, Alberta
-Riders to ride with: Varga, my brother Joel
-Car: Chevy Blazer
Name: Isaac Downey
Age: 18
Hometown: Ashford/Kent, England
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Fitbikeco & 4down
The FAT favorite list:
-Movie: Snatch
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: Etnies
-Bike company: Fit
-BMX contest: Backyard jam
-Bike shop: Wilko for cheap tubes
-Spot to ride: Anywhere with the crew
-BMX video: Deadline
-Website: 4downdistro
My name: Misa Djukic
Age: I am 28 years old
Hometown: Serbia.
Hook-ups: I don't have a sponsor but I would like to. (just to fulfill my dream, I wouldn't take parts just to ride for "Animal bikes" to leave one small trace of my ride.)
The FAT FAVs list:
Spot to ride: Italy - Milan and of course my local spot Draloni and the Committee.