La pépite du bmx français rentre chez BMX Avenue avec la marque Odyssey, vidéo street avec son pote derrière la caméra Louis Nicolas Talon
Merci à Sportimport pour le matos Odyssey.
Sasha Cambon is throwing down Flips Whips on street at only 14 years old. And that's only the tip of the iceberg for the son of french BMX legend Nicolas Cambon. Check out Sasha's first ever street edit. INSANE!
- NAME: My name is Sasha Cambon
- AGE: I'm 14 years old
- HOMETOWN: I live in Albi, France
- SPONSORS: My sponsors are: Tall Order, Freegun, Foundationbmx, Unicornwearelegends, Vans, Frenchys distribution
The FAT favorite list:
- Spot to ride: I ride at Albi in the indoor park of my father (Ideal skatepark)
- My favorite BMX video is: Dennis Enarson right here
- Website: Instagram, YouTube
- Food: Cheese
- Person on Instagram: Matt Ray, Kevin Peraza, Dennis Enarson, Garett Reynolds
Sascha Cambon can ride everything. The young French rider hits it all in this amazing BMX edit filmed by his Dad! (Nico Cambon).