Title of the book: We Were Rad
Author: Antony Frascina, Clint Pilkington, Andrew Rigby
Date published: February 2022
Pages: 448
Copies printed: First Print – 1600 (sold out). Re-printed August 2022.
How long was the thinking process before you decided to get to work on the book?
We Were Rad: It was a pretty fluid process. We originally made an Old School style ‘Zine’ where we interviewed BMX Royalty such as Bob Haro and Andy Ruffell. This gave us the confidence and the bug to be creative. At the time social media was blossoming and every day new unseen images were appearing. These were the untold story of the kids on the streets, like us. We immediately all felt that these images and stories needed to be collected and told. We Were Rad was born!
Did you have things lined up and organized as far as photos were concerned or did you have to