Name: Jon Mackellar/ Termite
Age: 28
Hometown: Brisbane Australia 4074
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Backbone BMX, SandM bikes, Eclat, Clvlnd, Hambone
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Egypt diy with the homies
-BMX video: Dulwich/ Anthem 2
-Website: FATBMX
-Web video: Egypt diy jam
-Person on Instagram: Steven Hamilton
-Travel destination: As of recently Coffs Harbour NSW
-Riders to ride with: Damn that’s some tough stuff to break down. Definitely my best mate
Name: Kevin Robinson
Age: 17
Hometown: Barrington, RI, USA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Subrosa, Shadow Conspiracy, Triple eight, Dans Comp
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Rays or Wheel Mill
-BMX video: Mike Aitken's part in Anthem 2
-Website: YouTube
-Web video: Buddy Rich drum solo
-Food: Chicken
-Person on Instagram: @zebpowelll
-Travel destination: California
-Riders to ride with: Skaters Edge crew
-Car: 1968 Mustang Fastback
- NAME: My name is Sasha Cambon
- AGE: I'm 14 years old
- HOMETOWN: I live in Albi, France
- SPONSORS: My sponsors are: Tall Order, Freegun, Foundationbmx, Unicornwearelegends, Vans, Frenchys distribution
The FAT favorite list:
- Spot to ride: I ride at Albi in the indoor park of my father (Ideal skatepark)
- My favorite BMX video is: Dennis Enarson right here
- Website: Instagram, YouTube
- Food: Cheese
- Person on Instagram: Matt Ray, Kevin Peraza, Dennis Enarson, Garett Reynolds
Name: Theo Chabbert
Age: 22
Hometown: Toulouse in France
Hook-ups/Sponsors: I don't really have a sponsor, we have a crew on the pink street that represents Toulouse. And I am supported by Performance BMX and Goldhandzgarage
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: I like to ride pretty much any spot but have a weak spot for bowls
-BMX video: Chapter one Doomed
-Website: Instagram or Youtube
Name: Sam Downs
Age: 32
Hometown: Lancaster, PA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Jones Soda, JustLive CBD, TimBuk2, and The Yea
The FAT Favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Alligator ledge in NYC
-BMX video: Above Below
-Web video: Simone Barracco DIG ‘17
-Person on Instagram: Marcel Anderson
-Travel destination: Barcelona
-Riders to ride with: All the Philly riders!
-Car: VW
-Movie: Pulp Fiction
-Colour: Black