We've added flyers of events happening in 2025. Some are being held indoors but not all of them. Check before you make any plans. If you have event dates, if you've got something going, send usthe info. We'll put your event on the FATBMX Event calendar so more people will get to know about your race or contest or jam that you're putting on. We're here to spread the love but you figure out yourself where you need to go. Contact the event organizers before you head over. Times/dates might have changed and we take no responsibility for that. Get together and enjoy BMX, the best thing in the world. All 2025 Flyers inside as well as the event dates. Nothing else to do!? Get out there and have some fun. Meet new people, visit new places, take some pics for your instagram, pull new tricks, become a better person and maybe win something along the way. Lots has changed or is changing so double check and keep us posted. See you out there!
2025: BMX Race, BMX Freestyle and Pump Track events:
14-15 March 2025, Swampfest, Florideah, Waldo Motorsports, FL. USA. FREESTYLE
The fact that time flies is a good sign. It means it's not dragging on. At FATBMX we managed to pull of another year of bringing you the latest and greatest BMX coverage. 2023 is over and luckily it was a busy year once again. We missed the travel days with Covid and then accepted every opportunity in 2023 to get out there. It resulted in trips to Switzerland, France, the USA, Scotland, Germany, China, Belgium, Spain, Chile, and the UAE to see what's going on in BMX. We then covered the events on the site and shared photos and videos on out social media channels for everyone to enjoy.
2024 is looking good already with many BMX jams, gatherings, competitions, UCI World Cups (Japan/France?....), the Olympic Qualifier Series in China and Hungary, The UCI World Championships in Abu Dhabi and other activities happening. It's the Olympic year so expect us to be in Paris this upcoming summer to report from the biggest sporting event on earth.
We couldn't do this without the support of our contributors, webmaster, designers and sponsors. For those interested in teaming up with FATBMX, send us a mail and let's figure something out that benefits us all. After 35 years of covering everything around BMX, we're not ready to leave. Count on us for all the news, the event calendar, the sponsor changes, results, event reports, interviews and daily videos.