BMX Street RAW Mixtape featurng Mitchell Mcdonald, Boyd Hilder, Denby Chandler, Carraig Troy, Dylan Steinhardt, Brock Olive, Tim Storey, Jaak Bailey, Jon Mackellar, James Pease, Wilton Headley, Matt Vaux, Jake Norris, Josh Newman, Pat Johns.
Bro Sven filmed together with #nutsandboltsbmx his new BMX Street Edit in the beautiful City Zurich and the result is just awesome!
Nils Jacob ist stets gut gelaunt, nie um einen frechen Spruch verlegen und hat mehr Energie als das Duracell-Häschen. Darüber hinaus fährt der junge Mann auch noch ziemlich gut Fahrrad, es gibt also ein paar gute Gründe, warum ihn die Homies vom 360 Grad Sportshop auf dem Lohhof Revival Jam im Mai 2017 ins Team geholt haben. Nach einigen Anlaufschwierigkeiten ist nun auch sein Welcome-Edit endlich fertig, für den Nils in und um München so manches Gap erlegt, am Lenker gedreht und seine Schuhsohlen zum Schmelzen gebracht hat. Check it out!
Felix Prangenberg X kunstform - BMX Street 2018. We're very proud to finally present you the new BMX video of Felix Prangenberg which he filmed together with Robin Kachfi over the past year across Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. Felix invested a lot of miles ,time and pain for it and this is why you'll not be disappointed! Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!
Graziano Lombardo Web Edit - GBB 2k18
Two runs, best run counts. As always, X Games street was a hell of an event...but the results were anything but typical. Alex Donnachie took the gold with an extremely technical and dialed first's the raw highlights...
Alex Donnachie wins BMX Street gold at X Games Sydney 2018 and becomes the first athlete from Scotland ever to win a medal at X.
Jeeeez. Scope some of the heaviest moves out of the 2018 X Games Sydney BMX Street Practice. Riding from Garrett Reynolds, Courage Adams, Chad Kerley, Sean Ricany, Bruno Hoffman, Devon Smillie, Lewis Mills and many more.
BMX Street: Jaime Gonzalez X Nico Van Loon / New Era 2018 / Edit + Raw. Special Guest: Thijs Vervaeck!
Simple Summer session 2018 has been successfully completed. Travis Hughes from the USA gets the first place in Simple Summer Session BMX street competition in Riga! On second place we see Mājinieks Kristaps Reimanis followed by third classified Jiri Blabol from the Czech Republic!
Results Simple Summer Session 2018:
1) Travis Hughes
2) Mājinieks Kristaps Reimanis
3) Jiri Blabol
Podium shot by Simple Session