We've updated the FATBMX Event calendar and some of the event organisers have announced their 2019 dates already. Want to know when the X-Games are in 2019? Or the Butcher jam? check out the FATBMX calendar. Here's the info about the Butcher Jam:
Butcher Jam 2019, June 07 – 09.06.2019 in Flensburg, Germany as always at the BMX- &Skatepark Schlachthof. Another Year = Another Butcher jam knocking on the door. Now for the 11 th time in a row also 2019 we are proud and happy to start something big, spectacular, special and again embedded
1. Marin Rantes
2. Justin Dowell
3. Daniel Dhers
4. James Jones
5. Paul Thölen
6. Konstantin Andreev