During a thrilling summer of Action Sports, Wolverhampton hosted the E-FISE BMX Street Contest, where the world's top BMX talent came together to shoot some epic videos. Three of the globe's best Pro BMX riders—Nathan Williams, Casey Starling, and Joe Jarvis— joined forces with the three Wild Card winners (Alex Kennedy, Stu Chisholm and Lohan Costa), who secured their places earlier in the summer after some fierce competition. The final results are now in, and the winners were crowned at the end of a competition that brought together style, creativity and technical mastery.
1st Place: Nathan WILLIAMS x Peter ADAM - €6,000
Park previews, event program, riders attending: here is everything you need to know about the fifth round of the 2024 Urban Sports Tour. After the E-FISE BMX Street Contest, it's now time for the iconic urban sports tour to come to Wolverhampton from 13th to 15th September in Old Market Square to round off the city's Summer of Action Sports!
Old Market Square
Wolverhampton, WV3 0NL
13-15 SEPTEMBER 2024
The free festival brings together all generations in a festive and friendly atmosphere, with a wide range
The City of Wolverhampton becomes the capital of Street this summer by welcoming the E-FISE BMX Street Contest to its streets, a FISE event in partnership with City of Wolverhampton Council and DIG. Since July, riders from all around the world have been able to take part in the contest by filming a one-minute BMX Street video to show off their top skills and win one of 3 Wild Card places! 2 winners were selected by the FISExDIG team and 1 Fan Favorite was selected by public vote, and here are the winners!
Alex Kennedy x Tonash