GT Bicycles presents 4130 1993, Eddie Roman produced/directed. Twenty eight minutes of racing (lots of Gary Ellis and Charles Townsend), flatland, halfpipes/parks and trails. Soundtrack is a bunch of indie/underground metal, punk and alternative rock. I touched up the picture a little bit in FCPX and remastered the audio as well using Soundtrack Pro. The tracking goes a bit wonky at the very end, but it's nothing catastrophic.
GT Bicycles presents 4130 1993, Eddie Roman produced/directed. Twenty eight minutes of racing (lots of Gary Ellis and Charles Townsend), flatland, halfpipes/parks and trails. Soundtrack is a bunch of indie/underground metal, punk and alternative rock. I touched up the picture a little bit in FCPX and remastered the audio as well using Soundtrack Pro. The tracking goes a bit wonky at the very end, but it's nothing catastrophic. Feel free to trainspot any riders or locations or bikes. Looks to me like some of the flatland is mostly SoCal beaches, and the racing is somewhere in Florida I think.