Eddie Fiola, often referred to as the “King of the Skateparks,” is a legendary BMX freestyle rider who emerged as one of the sport’s most iconic figures in the 1980s. Known for his innovative style, fluid tricks, and groundbreaking approach to BMX riding, Fiola played a pivotal role in shaping the early landscape of freestyle BMX.
"During the ‘80s, Eddie Fiola rose to fame as a pro and was well known for winning the title of King Of The Skatepark from 1982 through 1986. Fiola’s name became synonymous with his longtime sponsor GT bicycles, and after leaving the brand in 1987, Fiola made due performing live shows for Vans.
The AFA (American Freestyle Association), headed up by Bob Morales, has put together a pro class for the killer elite of vert concrete. Now these mostly fearless but totally crazy skatepark shredders are going to be going head-to-head at every contest for big bucks!
(1988) Eddie Fiola: King Of The Skateparks. "During the ‘80s, Eddie Fiola rose to fame as a pro and was well known for winning the title of King Of The Skatepark from 1982 through 1986. Fiola’s name became synonymous with his longtime sponsor GT bicycles, and after leaving the brand in 1987, Fiola made due performing live shows for Vans. In the early ‘90s, he happened onto commercial auditions in Hollywood, and eventually followed up with a career as a Hollywood Stuntman. His most notable role as stunt double is possibly still that of Cru Jones, from the ‘80s cult classic BMX movie RAD! Inbetween showing us stuntman footage on his phone Eddie found time at the hotel bar to get truly under the influence for the first time since 1984." - DIG 65, China 'Lightning Bolts' Article