Made possible through the dedication of our Volunteers.
Peckham BMX Club Samuel Hicks by Wyatt-Clarke & Jones
"My name is Kye Whyte.” From Peckham BMX Club to World Cup winner Trophy. After securing selection for #Toyko2020, an Olympic medal is the goal for Kye Whyte.
Name: Ruby Huisman
Age: 22
Hometown: Arnhem, Netherlands
Plate number: 29
Hook-ups/Sponsors: TCR Plastics, Vitals, Brunsveld
The FAT Favourites list:
-Track to race on: Baku and old Papendal track
-Favourite Race: Caen during the winter, and World's
-Food: Sushi and chicken wraps
-Gym: Papendal Gym
-Person on Instagram: @tahneeseagrave
-Travel destination: Anywhere with good weather and a nice beach.
-People to ride with: @bmxteamnl
Make sure you subscribe to the channel and also become a member of and get access to Olympic style BMX programs and coaching.
Speed and Style, this our DNA or ADN in french. Alongside winning races you have this time spent with your team partners. Challenges, smiles, motivation... Everybody has their own definition of BMX Racing, this video shows our own definition of BMX Racing. We are Pride Racing.
Round 5 of the UEC European Cup in Sarrians, live on FATBMX