Released in 1987, RL Osborne, Chris Day, Fred Blood, Dino Deluca, Doug Randazzo & many more show their Flatland and Ramp skills!
MX Beat was a popular BMX Freestyle TV show broadcast on the UK's main commercial channel, ITV between 1983 1987 on Saturday mornings. Hosted by Andy Ruffell and various co-hosts including Gaz Top (Gareth Jones), Alistair Pirrie and Ron Stebbene. Featuring UK Stars Neil Ruffell RIP, Craig Campbell, Carlo Griggs, Lee Reynolds and many more. It was one of the most popular shows on UK TV. Filmed in Carlisle at Border TVs Car Park (mostly), The 3-in-1 BMX Beat TV Championship was the first sponsored BMX Beat series and was the 2nd highest rated in terms of viewers behind The Tizer Sponsored World BMX Beat a year later featuring the amazing Mat Hoffman.
This was the most controversial World Pro BMX Champs ever because 98% of the UK Pro's boycotted the whole championship! Why? Well at the time the UK Pro's were represented by the PBA (Professional BMX Association). They felt that misconduct by Gary Llewellyn breached all kinds of ethical and professional standards during the 1986 season that lead up to this World BMX Championship in 1986 - even now this is a controversial subject, we will leave it to the UK Pro's involved to comment on whether it was a good idea - but here's what happened anyway.
US BMX Pros against UK Pros First Time ever! The Kelloggs TV BMX Championship was a hugely popular TV Series hosted by Mick Brown and Andy Ruffell. The show was broadcast on the UKs Channel 4 in 1984 and 1985.
Hollywood Mike Miranda 'Jamming With The Rad Lads' 1986.
Marton and the Haro Masters by og pictures.
In 1990 Alden Olmsted's life changed forever when he dropped out of college to start his own BMX bicycle company, Homestead Bicycles. After finding a shop in Tennessee to fabricate bikes to his design specs and using all the money he had to order 50 frames, Alden set out to promote his fledgling brand.
2019 National BMX Hall of Fame Induction by USA BMX
A Day at the Philly Pump Track 2019. By Chuck Purnell. A day at the Philly Pump Track and the MidAtlantic BMX Swap Meet coverage. Classic Old school BMX Bike enthusiasts.
Created by Andy Ruffell, Holeshot BMX & Skate ran from 1984 to 1987 & featured Mat Hoffman, Christian Hosoi, Gator Rogowski, Dino DeLuca, Jeff Grosso, Jason Jesse, Mark Gonzales, Steve Alba, Brian Blyther, Josh White, Jason Ellis, Rich Sigur, Ron Wilkerson, Woody Itson, Dizz Hicks, Ceppie Maes and UK Stars Neil Ruffell RIP, Craig Campbell, Carlo Griggs, Lee Reynolds and many more.