It feels good to be back at events. This past weekend a lot of things were happening. Our event calendar post showed this:
-24-25 Sep 2021 Thunder Days, Sankt Pölten, Austria C1 FREESTYLE
-24 Sep-25 Sep 2021, UEC BMX European Cup Rounds 7/8, Papendal, Netherlands RACE
-24-26 Sep 2021 Extreme Barcelona, Spain C1 FREESTYLE
-25 Sep 2021 Haut-Richelieu Canada Cup RACE
-25 Sep 2021, Red Bull UCI Pump Track World's Qualifier, Schüpfheim, Switzerland PUMPTRACK
-25 Sep - 26 Sep 2021, Japanese National Championships RACE
-26 Sep 2021 Austrian National Championships, Sankt Pölten, Austria CN FREESTYLE
Even missed out on listing the FISE Xperience event in Reims, France and I'm sure a few others. On top of this the MXON and F1 GP were happening plus the Step In The Arena event in Eindhoven. Non BMX events, but still something to follow.
We managed to cruise over to Papendal for the UEC race. Upon arrival we had a hard time finding the accreditation set-up. After attempting to find the accreditation centre for 30 minutes and being sent to wrong places 5 times it was Guido who came to the rescue. Thanks for that. Five minutes later we were having a coffee at the VIP section. In fact, this spot was so good that I stayed there most of the day in