Surprise surprise! A printed magazine in A5 format. Brough to you by the folks of Freedom BMX magazine. It sure was nice to have a printed BMX magazine in hand. It doesn't happen too often any more unfortunately as DIG, RIDE, Freedom, Soul, Cream, RIDE UK, 2020, all stopped producing them on a regular basis. The Freedom BMX Athina 'zine came to life as the trip to Athens with the SI BMX crew resulted in too many good photos not to use. Responsible for that was Merlin Czarnulla who lugged around his camera gear for a week to capture the riding from Jan Mihaly, Eddie Baum, TomSchorb-Mergenthaler, Fabian Bader, Lukas Häusler, Robin Heiderich, Christian Heger, and Adrian Warnken.
It happens more often that a trip deserves more than a video, social media posts and a website report. A 'zine is a nice touch, but somebody has to pay for it. Sport Import footed the bill but they got 9 full pages of ads of their imported brands in return plus all the coverage was of their team riders. Nice trade-off.
52 pages of high quality paper in full colour. Times have changed from the 'zine days in the '80-s when it was hard to make a photo look good on the xerox machine. A welcome change no doubt. If interested, contact Markus Wilke at Freedom BMX or better, SIBMX as they'll have some extra copies laying about.