It takes someone to do it. It took Alain Massabova a year to do it. Some things are easier said then done. "You should write a book about the history of BMX!" Alain took on the challenge and pulled it off, and in a great way. 300 pages of French BMX history, from the early days to 2022. From racing to freestyle. Jams to competitions. Road trips to photo shoots. France has some rich history in BMX and flipping through the book you will face familiar names. Some you've forgotten. Some are still ripping. In 35 years a lot has happened in BMX and seeing everything together in one thick book is great. Collecting the photos alone must have been a challenge. Back in the day nothing was digital so that scanner must have made some overtime scanning all the early photos. Then archiving them first, putting them in the right order before making a selection. Which ones to use?
It only works when eveyone pitches in, and lots of them did. This makes the book something special for everyone. The book starts off with the 1978-1988 oldschool phase. How it started, the pioneers,