Last summer we built some dirt jumps in the back of the Powers BMX bike shop thanks to some help from Dirt Sculp Dave! We had an awesome fall season riding these jumps and now it's time to get ready for the 2025 season.
We are so stoked to share this! We found and got the first ever S&M frame made! 001 made by Cook Brothers! And we owe it all to Peter Frampton, hahaha. Could been but not for sure, first S&M forks and slam bars! But they are early ones! Along with a super early S&M jersey and pair of S&M Dyno pants
We got the August 2001 Ride BMX cover bike that Vic Murphy rode! Dirt brother decked out with all Odyssey parts.
Florida and Pennsylvania BMX trail legend, fufanu king and thrower of the best no footed cancan ever! walks around the musuem with us. Mark Mulville tells us about how he designed the push stem on a napkin and carried it around in a bag. Signs some magazines and more!
Some young dudes just doing young people things.
DIRT CHURCH BABY! The boys getting loose at Billy's creek with a few out of town homies!
Happy Birthday Dillion! Been wanting to remix all the Dillion Leeper clips I've used in various projects, so here ya go!
I LOVE GUEST HOST LATANE. thanks for a fun game guys. Final will be at Powers Bike Shop in Richmond, VA. In a few week!
First semi final game, and one of the quickest games of the series. One of these riders WAS NOT playing around. Guess you'll have to watch to find out who. Next semi final game is Shane & Trevor at 28th street in Richmond September 13th!
We almost got rained out in annawhereever the heck. But we got it done, and it was GOOD ONE! Thanks Bert and Craig for announcing and thanks, Curtis Cantwell & Mike Danella for the help on filming. Y'all are great.