Some BMX at Simple Session 19 in Tallinn, Estonia, on February 2–3, 2019.
Bobbie Altiser (@bobbiealtiser) visited the SBC headquarters and got a quick session in on the #margaritaramps. Bobbie, with his soon to be released signature frame, always delivers outstanding moves!
Some of the best tricks of one of the best riders from Colombia and the world, Mr. Nixon Rodriguez!
Bis vor nicht allzu langer Zeit war München streettechnisch noch relativ unerschlossen. Das hat sich mittlerweile geändert, denn eine neue Generation junger Streetfahrer ist fleißig dabei, die Straßen der bayrischen Landeshauptstadt zu erkunden. Flo Ehrl ist einer von diesen Jungs, der nicht ohne Grund vom 360 Grad Sportshop und von Stylemystuff® unterstützt wird. Flo ist nämlich nicht nur ein netter Typ, sondern verfügt auch über jede Menge Radkontrolle, was ihm redaktionsintern den Spitznamen Railridegott eingebracht hat – von seinen Cojones einmal ganz zu schweigen. Hier ist ein Schwung sehenswerter Clips, die er im vergangenen Sommer in Minga, Dachau und Landshut gestackt hat. Flo geht ab, also check it out, Oida!
This is "STILL UNTITLED" by PARBMX. A team video filmed all over the Baltics states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) during the course of the past 2 summers. BMX is alive and well over in this part of Europe and this 100% street video showcases some of the best talent in the Baltic's scene. Very happy to present this to the BMX brotherhood all across the globe. Rider sections (in order of appearance): Aivars Justovics Ed Zunda & Marek Kuhalskis Janis Cunculis & Janis Bauska Simonas Norkus, Martti Lainevool & Karlis Leitis Kristaps Reimanis
Bjarki [ Ba•Jar•Key] Hardarson comes from Iceland, but frequently visits and stays in Florida for school. He been crushing it at jams and events around here for years, and has been repping Subrosa hard while doing it, so we wanted to make it official and we added him to the team at our Christmas Party. He was stoked to produce a welcome edit and it shows! Bjarki kills spots from Orlando and Atlanta and everywhere in-between.
Loving this one from new Animal Bikes blood, Emerson Morgan doing it for them in the UK through 4Down. It doesn't get much more grimy than this! Filmed in Bristol, UK.
Contest numero dos. New ramps, limited practice, lots of heavy hitters. Toronto Jam was sick.
Begin, Casey, BF, Justin, Ricky,Oscar, Joel Charlie and Billy smash some clips out at the warehouse.
UK BMX Olympic athlete, Emma Finnegan, spent her time at Woodward Camp ripping, having and busting out edits like this one she shot over the summer. Girls Week is week 10, join us for a girls week you will never forget.