Tickets for the SourceBMX Battle of Hastings BMX Competition go live on Monday July 24th at 12 Noon (GMT).
A collection of clips of James from NC, Va and DC over the span of a couple years. Filmed mostly by Matt Samsky, Carlos Bailey, edited by James Lukas.
Check out our second mixtape entirely shot with GoPro cameras on the streets of Warsaw.
Wie schon in den Jahren zuvor, stand auch auf dem diesjährigen Butcher Jam der komplette Abriss des Schlachthof BMX- und Skateparks in der Flensburger Nordstadt auf dem Programm. Dafür waren neben so ziemlich allem, was in Deutschland Rang und Namen hat, auch zahlreiche Fahrer_innen aus den Niederlanden, Wales, England, der Tschechischen Republik und sogar Amerika an die Börde gekommen. Hier sind fast alles Highlights (sorry, Ralle!) eines spitzenmäßigen Pfingstwochenendes an der Ostsee.
Théo Mazars BMX LAB Frenchys distribution from BMX LAB. Welcome de Théo Mazars entre park et trail pour BMX LAB Aix en Provence et Frenchys distribution.
Client: 040 BMX Park
Project: 040 Invitational BMX Contest.
Footage from of our recent poster photo shoot.
Riders: Sam Bussell, Karl hinkley
Photo: Tash Lindemann TJL Photo
Music: Social Distortion "Ring of Fire"
On saturday, 15th of July, we supported the "Skate Open" BMX contest in Göppingen. Altogether it was a really chilled day! Thanks to all who've supported & participated @smilesridesbikes @justinridesbikes @robinkachfibmx @moritzkuhnbmx @mika_k_47 @marius_dietsche @janisoriovich @oinskipoinski @cockmog @thorsten.balzuweit @___fabio @markglen_bmx & more...
Here is a fun skatepark session in Quincy by Forrest!
Heaven On Earth//BMX Athlete Mykel Larrin from Ivan Barra Films. Heaven on Earth is a short film following the philosphy and work ethic of pro BMX athlete Mykel Larrin as he strives to win gold at the 2017 X Games.
Un domingo de ride en el Skatepark Madre Laura en el barrio Castilla con nuestro rider Ferre