Brad Simms. Age: 32 | Hometown: Waldorf, Maryland | Bike: WHTHOUS Brick, Merritt parts | Most recent video part: "Brad Simms 2016 Merritt video" by Merritt BMX | Nominee, Street Rider of the Year, NORA Cup 2008 | Filmer: Christian Rigal
Colin Varanyak. Age: 27 | Hometown: Hamilton, New Jersey | Bike: Fiend, Animal Bikes parts | Most recent video part: Ender, "Facts" by Animal Bikes | Filmer: Doeby Huynh
Sean Ricany. Age: 22 | Hometown: Toms River, New Jersey | Bike: Cult | Most recent video part: "Pro Part: Sean Ricany" by Ride BMX | BMX Street silver, X Games Austin 2016 | Filmer: Richard "Veesh" Krumm
Kevin Peraza. Age: 23 | Hometown: Tucson, Arizona | Bike: Mongoose La Familia, Demolition parts | Most recent video part: Opener, "Illustrated" by Vans | BMX Park gold, X Games Minneapolis 2017, BMX Dirt gold, X Games Austin 2016 |
Filmer: Juani Ignacio Zurita
We're back in Edmonton this Summer. Who's pumped? Join the FISE community and get the latest updates from the 2018 FISE World Series.
The Rollback: a BMX Podcast episode four with Dennis Enarson.
Heres Some Fresh Riding Footage From Habo Plus Info On How You Can Get His Frame From This Very Video!
Sydney Pools - One Hitter | Corey Walsh, Trent Rowsell, Joel Ruggerio & Matt Cordova. Sydney pool king Trent Rowsell showed Corey Walsh Matt Cordova and west coast pool king Joel Ruggerio around to a few gems while the Vans Pro Cup had taken over Five Dock. We only had about half an hour in the second one before we go the boot.
Filmed & edited by Martin Hoza
We had a High Jump Challenge behind my bike shop where three BMX riders competed against each other to see which rider could jump their bicycle the highest off of the ramp! The riders designed a very sketchy ramp by using only pieces of junk! Surprisingly, the ramp worked really good and the riders were able to set a record for the highest jump!
I drove out to New Orleans to do school shows with Lonestar Action Sports and I had some time to go cruise the local skatepark. Shoutout to all the homies for shredding and Daniel for Filming the whole video!
Since joining the team in July of last year, Ty Morrow has been steadily stacking clips for his inaugural Éclat video part. Combining his signature style, power, and burliness into one banger of a video, it’s fair to say no one else quite does it like Ty. With so many talking points in one video, we’ll let you dive in and enjoy it for what it is. This is Ty Morrow for Éclat.
Eskalation an der Waterkant! Hier ist unser Video vom Butcher Jam 2018, zu dessen 10jährigen Jubiläum Fahrer aus aller Welt im Schlachthof Skate- und BMX-Park Flensburg kollektiv komplett ausgerastet sind. Vielen Dank an die Sportpiraten für ein großartiges Wochenende an der Ostsee und auf die nächsten 10 Jahre. Plop! Butcher Jam 2018
Fast 17 Minuten Leftovers aus dem Mellowpark: Hier sind all jene Clips, die es nicht in unser Hauptvideo vom Highway to Hill 2018 geschafft haben. Aber das heißt noch lange nicht, dass diese Aufnahmen nicht sehenswert wären. Ganz im Gegenteil, da sind schon ein paar echt nice Dinger dabei!