Sorry for the delay. I made the choice to film it in 4k for some dumb reason and the video wouldn't upload at that size, so here we are at 1080. All the nerd stuff aside, street qualifying was a bit of a blur, but I'm pretty sure I put together 14 minutes of the best shit in chronological order... what a crap description. Sorry.
Alex is truly one of a kind... New AK Crew frame "Prism Water" inspired buy algae prism water, look it up!
Live webcast of Simple Session 18 FINALS on FATBMX this Sunday.
Day 3 of our Estonia adventure. We stayed overnight in Joekula Rapla, ripped atv's and went to the abandoned soviet prison. It was insane, enjoy. Make sure to follow me on all social media platforms to stay up to date with our shenanigans!
Day 2 Park Practice @ Simple Session 2018 starring Larry Edgar, Kostya Andreev, Irek Rizaev and many more.
Tag 1 auf der Simple Session 2018 in Estland: Hier sind ein paar Highlights vom Street- und Parkpractice in der Saku Suurhall.
Missing the first day of practice really messed up what I had planned to do content-wise, so I just sorta filmed everything and threw it on a timeline. The contest is definitely going to be a wild one, as everyone seems to have their lines sorted... Oh, and sorry about that dirty a new one and dust doesn't usually show up on that level.
Devon Smillie’s Fuego frame, now in its 5th incarnation, comes packed with even more tech and functional upgrades to meet and even surpassing the demands of modern day street riding. Filmed and edited by Calvin Kosovich.
How candid is this? Well, Drew didn't even know it was an interview until 75% of the way through. Watch as we catch up with Mr. Bezanson about his recovery from knee surgery, thoughts on The Olympics, why he's at Simple Session, what the near future holds, and much more.
Simple Session 2018 Qualifiers live on FATBMX:
From X Games medals to some of the BMX worlds most ground breaking video parts, Dak has it covered and this section from ABOVE BELOW is a true testament to this US BMX legend!
Sorry ya'll, my flight got all messed up so I 2missed the first three group practices. I did my best to get what I could (shout out to Alex Hiam for destroying) and then headed to the second annual BMX vs Skate Hockey match. Day two is about to pop off, so I'm gonna make this short...more to come!
The follow up to "Please Kill Me," "I Wanna Live" was released in 2008 with full parts from the entire S&M team. Here is the legendary Matt Beringer's part.
Ride On Talks to Grant Smith PART 2 by Neil Waddington