Best of freedombmx 2017. Was für ein Jahr! In unserem "Best of freedombmx 2017"-Video lassen wir einige der besten Clips Revue passieren, die wir 2017 für euch gefilmt haben. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten! Es war uns ein Fest und wir können es kaum erwarten, 2018 noch mal eine Schippe draufzulegen! Doch bevor es mit dem Schippedrauflegen losgeht, wird erst einmal gefeiert! Und zwar in München, wo am 20. Januar 2018 die freedombmx Awards stattfinden, zu denen ihr gefälligst alle erscheint, um mit uns auf die besten Fahrer, Parks, Firmen und Videos der vergangenen zwölf Monate anzustoßen. Falls du es noch nicht getan hast, kannst du hier noch bis zum 12.
This is absolutely insane. A highlight cut of all the uber-preogressive riding that went down as part of the Plaza portion at the 2017 Battle of Hastings . Featuring mind-altering feats of technicality via Garrett Reynolds, Chad Kerely, Sean Ricany, Travis Hughes, Justin Spriet, Broc Raiford, Dan Paley, Dan Lacey, Van Homan, Simone Barraco, and so many more.
Here's some new park and dirt footage of Jacob Bailey for your viewing pleasure!
Flatland auf Hindernissen erfreute sich auch 2017 großer Beliebtheit. Hier sind die besten Lines aus allen freedombmx-Videos der vergangenen 12 Monate.
The dream spots and guaranteed Middle-East sunshine lure many pros to Israel year after year. As a result, many of the best video parts include riding here. What remains quite under-the-radar though, is the local scene. Last year we set out to catch a fairly routine trip with BSD's Sar Levi and a few others including visiting Canadian rider Justin Hughes (WTP).. After working year-round, he and his friends book time off work to travel from their hometown - Tel Aviv - to Be'er Sheva, Arad, Eilat and Mitzpe Ramon. In a country with mixed views in the press and a unique history, one thing we found stood out is that BMXers are BMXers wherever they're from. We were warmly welcomed and these guys just want to ride their bikes.
Morgan Long takes to the alleys and cuts of Long Beach and the greater LA area for what is surely his most heavy hitting video part to date. Being over a year in the making, Morgan was really able to craft a section that shows the intricacies and variety in his setup oriented brand of riding. The dude's got that eye for cutty setups but he's not afraid to straight send it either. This is Morgan Long's "BIRD'S EYE" PRO PART.
All white everything. Well, except the tires. And the cranks. And pedals. But whatever...Chad Kerley gives you the run down on his Haro/Premium machine.
The 2018 Toyota Triple Challenge kicked off in Anaheim, California at the first Supercross stop of the year! Monster Army riders Brian Fox and Bryce Tryon were joined by rookies Louie Cortese and Peyton Wessells to compete against the world's best dirt riders. Other riders included Monster Energy's Colton Walker, Kyle Baldock, Pat Casey, Victor and Kevin Peraza. Watch all of the mayhem here!
Spontaneous bmx street session in 2018 went to a really productive day! This Webisode is about a cloudy 3 hours ride in the streets of Mannheim with my friends Michael Dunger & Michael Lorenz and our bmx bikes.
Losing a friend is never easy, especially at such an early age. It has been very difficult to accept. It took me some time before I could watch any video footage of Denis. He is a dear friend that I admire very much. Denis left a positive impact on the trail community all across the globe. I wanted to share some footage I had of him from a couple of Trail Trips we did when we were younger.
Les compartimos un nuevo video realizado por Criminal Producciones de nuestro rider Ricardo Aizaga, el es uno de los riders mas conocidos en la escena Park de Ecuador y ha tenido varias representaciones a nivel internacional actualmente fueron invitado al vecino país Argentina donde seguro dejará muy en lato el nombre de nuestro país.
Ryan Nyquist recently re-relocated to his adopted home of North Carolina, which also happens to be home to his private skatepark - The Unit. Watch as Ryan rides the place like only the man with the keys can. Timeless!