Misha Knyazev for Zamess by Max Chuprina
O BSS Tour é um circuito de BMX criado e idealizado pela Dream BMX em parceria com e Tenco Shopping Centers composto de 5 etapas em 5 estados durante 2016
Sean Morr has been putting in work on this Stolen edit over the past year and it really makes you want to get out and cruise. Long flowy lines, fresh spots, and feel-good vibes throughout the streets of California with Grant Castelluzo behind the lens.
Film/edit: www.instagram.com/marcinskrobiszewski / RIDER: www.instagram.com/dawidczekajbmx
The crew hits the streets and brings you our first all street video. With some homie clips from Adam Piatek and Pawel Podgorny.
Another day out in NYC filming for the new Animal Bikes project.
Back in April I started my own bike company 'tall order' After nearly a whole year of putting in work the first shipment of my products has landed!
The intro section from the 2016 BSD TRANSMISSION DVD, look out for all the sections going online over the next few months...
Here's some fresh footage from the Southern Hemi courtesy of Bevan Cowan.
On the 15th May 2015, Matt Priest endured a bad crash which resulted in shattering his talus bone (ankle) into 12 pieces.
After filming for our full length for 5+ years we thought it would be nice to have a laid back approach to a video.
Thousands of students inhabit NCSU's campus on weekdays, but weekends are a different story.
Jordan Hango from Atlantis Vancouver's DVD Battle of the Birds.
Turned 20 on the 15th of November, so we filmed 10 tricks for an edit, after a knee injury!