Literally get right up in the mix with the riders and filmers from the Mongoose Jam 2018 with our Mic’d Up Mix. Get close up and candid with Team Peraza filmer Peter Adam as he works with Mark Burnett and Kevin Peraza. Experience the hype machine Reed Stark and get some sound dietary advice as well. Greg Illingworth takes us for a ride while getting his Mike Aitken inspired banger. And live vicariously through Ben Wallace as he watches and hypes his teammate Morgan Wade get a one-handed double whip over the mini mega!
Orlando area BMX Mixtape.
Finn Maurer hat uns sein neues Video zukommen lassen, das während einer Session im Skatepark an der Darmstädter Stadtmauer entstanden ist und ein paar richtige gute Manöver beinhaltet, allen voran natürlich der Ender! Mehr als solide Vorstellung, vor allem, wenn man bedenkt, dass das alles an nur einem Tag gefilmt wurde.
Last weekend saw Glasgow's Kelvingrove Skatepark play host to another KGB Jam - watch all the best bits via the VX of local Usman Afzal. Big love to our friend Victor Krsteff - Rest easy. You were such a solid part of the Scottish scene and you will be missed.
3x Olympic BMX Coach Greg Romero Answers BMX Racing Questions from: • Race Day Nutrition Gate Start Tips BMX Sprinting Length As well as tips on coaching beginners with his philosophy of progressional teaching, rapport building with athletes and the 2008 Olympic BMX Beijing replica with Mike Day and Jill Kintner.
Fitbikeco. FUK-IT Tour Day 8 - Waller BMX. Second to last day of the FUK-IT Tour we stop by Waller BMX. Unfortunately their park was under construction and some rain found us but we had a blast meeting the locals and hooked them up with some stuff before we headed off.
The Meseroll crew travels to Bristol, Connecticut to celebrate the life of fallen rider Gabe Cruz aka Junebug. This is the 5th annual Death of Winter BMX Jam hosted by Bikers Edge bike shop. Thanks to everyone helped make this possible! More trips coming soon!
Thanks to all the Boys for filming!
Today we're happy to welcome Artur Meister in our Team! Artur is from Nuremberg , Germany and a really hard working BMX street rider! Video by David Schaller.
Mongoose recently wrapped up a trip to South Africa based around two dope jams / comps- Night Harvest in Cape Town, and Ultimate X at the Sun City Resort, which is located near Johannesburg. Greg Illingworth, Paul Ryan, Pat Casey and Ben Wallace took in the incredible Cape Town sights, abundance of wildlife, and good times at both events.
Billy Woodfin built a backyard mini at his house in St. Louis, Missouri. He broke it in the proper way this past Saturday (6/16/18) with a BBQ, friends, adult beverages, and good times! Even though it was a sweltering 97 degrees and the Mid-West humidity made it feel like the pits of hell they rode for a solid 10 hours. Paul Rad and Gage Sharp made the trip to STL from Cleveland to join in on the fun.
Day 7 of the FUK-IT Tour we visit Alans Bike Shop in Wigan. Then get a special invite to a backyard pool. Stay tuned and subscribe for more!
Mykel Larrin takes the win in BMX Park at the Road To X Games Boise Park Qualifier, securing an invite to X Games Minneapolis 2018 in the process.