Anthony Napolitan goes over, in detail, his latest bmx build accented with his Profile "Galaxy Rust" color way.
Epic evening dirt jumping session with pro’s from all over the world! Special guests include Mike “Hucker” Clark, Ryan Williams, Gabriel Chavez and Taka Uchida.
Anthony Napolitan brought us together to film his first Bowl Dog Jam. The concept is simple: invite some people out to ride, give 'em some free food courtesy of Wienerschnitzel, have some laughs, and then give some products out courtesy of Anthony's sponsors Profile, Colony, and Maxxis. Oh, and we filmed some clips, too.
Take an up-close look at Anthony Napolitan's hot new Colony Tradition build and watch him shred some SoCal concrete and dirt!
Let long-time Maxxis pro Anthony Napolitan give you the rundown on one of his favorite tricks - the cannonball!
Two years in the making, Anthony Napolitan comes through with some great footage filled with combo's that will have you scrolling back the entire video.
My man Anthony Napolitan has lived a lot of life for his short 31 years on this planet. I love my Bikes Over Baghdad brother and when you watch this pay attention. You might learn something. Probably not, but just I'm case haha..