Bentley King and Aryei Levenson were 16 and 17, respectively, when we filmed this little segment in heavily-sessioned SoCal last spring. So basically, Bentley had to play hooky in order to hook up with Stew and homeschooled Aryei while they were in town on a random weekday in May. Now we're not condoning this sort of truant behavior or anything, but when you bike as smart as these kids, sometimes you deserve a little RecesSESH.
Guest List 4 is now live! Featuring Odyssey’s Aryei Levenson, who invited his close homie Max Vu! Enjoy!
Sixteen-year-old Aryei Levenson is literally double the size he was when we first started sponsoring him half his lifetime ago. So when it came time to give him a signature colorway, we had to think BIG! Enter the ATFXL - let www.instagram.com/ripe_lyfe break it down for you!
Our first round draft pick Aryei Levenson came to California and went crazy for 3 days filming a whole video part. Kid's gonna be spooky good - shiiiit, he already is.
Top prospect Aryei Levenson continues to progress at a terrifying rate. Stay tuned.
Aryei Levenson started filming for this project when he was 12-years-old. Battling injuries, Northwest weather and the logistics of meeting up with Shad Johnston (Good's BMX shop-owner) to film when circumstances allowed, meant the project took a little longer than originally anticipated.