Ride along with the BSD and Empire squads as they join forces in Austin, TX for a good ol' sesh with the locals, and the chance to win Trent Lutzke's bike which was up for grabs at the end of the day. Featuring: Tam Roulston, Reed Stark, Grant Yoobie, Denim Cox, Curly Mayne, Brett Silva, Logan Pengberg, Matt Nordstrom, Jared Duncan, Johnny Raekes, and way more. Keep your eyes peeled for some legendary spots too. What a day!
"Behind the scenes on an eventful first day in Glasgow for Reed Stark, Denim Cox, Trent Lutzke and Grant Yoobie. A newly landscaped area just a few blocks from the BSD HQ serves up something for all of the BSD crew including Grant Yoobie sending one of the most ridiculous rail rides we have ever seen.
BSD Worldwide Rider Yohan Bieuron rips through a load of great spots in France for his new BSD piece. Apprécier!
We've had the pleasure of being friends with BSD's Tam Roulston since he was starting out and it's wild to see his progression over the years. From his humble beginnings in the town of Beith, Scotland he decided it was time to hit US shores and spent all his money and Visa on a dream 3 month trip with our dude Trent Lutzke. This video sums up the big man real well - he's out there for good times and dirty kinked rails! Sit back and enjoy his endeavours.
'Guest List' is a new series presented by our US distro Full Factory. They ask one affiliated rider from the brands they distribute to invite a non-affiliated rider for a day sesh on the private Full Factory ramps.
Hector Spencer-Wood gives us a taste of what the BSD Sureshot frame is all about, built for high speed roasting! 'cause you can't, you won't, and you don't stop...
Source BMX / BSD / Battle of the Brands / Challenges Edit 2020: 2nd place!
20 year old Hans Olav Strømmen is one bad ass Norwegian, as you're about to see. After getting his new BSD Soulja frame via his sponsor BMXelement he wasted no time and clocked this footage in a month.
Reed Stark with more travel adventures from his BMX life on the road, this time from a pilgrimage to the land of sushi and kendama - Japan. Proceed to pick your jaw up off the flaw after laying eyes on the stacks of incredible and one-off spots. There's even some tree hugging in there! Love it. Reed smashes it as always.
On connait LULU depuis qu'il a 10 ans et on l'a vu évoluer jusqu'à devenir un tueur de courbes! Trop de vitesse et d'amplitude sur son bowl local et la célèbre pool de La Kantera. On est donc fier de vous présenter sa part pour BSD (via Sparkys France) extraite de notre mixtape SUR LE TERRAIN!