Who remembers Vimeo? After years of taking down videos, deleting accounts and running their business model into the ground we had this video part on their platform. It was removed then lost on a HD for close to a decade, but after sometime in Australia I have no recovered this video I shot with Callan in Perth, Australia and Los Angeles USA.
This is Callan Stibbards section from the Game Over video, this section was filmed by the boys and edited by Callan that came out on DVD in 2018. It hasnt been online till now.
Some fine BTS riding of Callan Stibbards from Australia, China & the USA. Probably the biggest rail ever attempted as well, I'd say its a land if those parts could only take the impact. Don't mention "where's your helmet?" unless you ride BMX, otherwise bite your tongue and skip the video. Appreciate the talent.
Combine Callan Stibbards and Jake Corless and you have the ingredients for one hell of a recipe. Filmed for Alex Liiv's Dead Leisure clothing brand over the past few years in and around Perth, Australia - this goes hard!
A heavy list of Champs right here! Callan Stibbards, Jake Corless, Kyle Ralston, Dylan Matthews, Tom Roddy, Matt Bell, Mitch Morris, and Jamie Mauri shut down Perth, Western Australia in this latest one from Kyle Ralston. If this doesn't make you want to ride you're already dead.
Filmed in the streets of Perth, Western Australia in 2017, like Jeebus these clips have been locked away in a tomb not for 3 days but for 3 years, and now they have risen like an Easter miracle for your viewing pleasure.