French rider, Nico Bernede rides everything and rides it damn good. This is his 2017 edit that him and filmer, Jeremie Carrere have been working on this year all over France.
Andrew Lazaruk's new 2017 video proves that he can ride it all, and with enough style and flow to make it all look way too easy.
The Demolition Alleyway Jam went down right before the Vans US Open in Huntington Beach, CA and had the who's who of BMX there in attendance riding, hanging out and playing ping pong. Young and old riders came to shred the ledges, rails, box jump and quarters. All the proof of the amazing day is in this video.
Ever since getting Jack on the U.K. team, he’s been stacking clips with good friend, Mike Alford. We haven’t seen most of this footage till now and was in awe on how crazy Jack’s clips were. Definitely next level park riding and then some.
Canadian distro rider, Tristan Sweet comin' in hot with this new 3 day edit he made between the cold Vancouver winter weather, and then tearing ligaments in his ankle. Tristan always comes though with those tech street moves, check out that last banger.