Blindly drop a pin on your phone and see what you can find... Parker Heath decided he had enough of the scooter jam and wanted to drop the pin on course?
We drop a pin (or shoot a spit wad rather) with Huntington Beach locals Ethan Corriere and Julian Arteaga, only to end up in Ethan's least favorite city to ride... Garden Grove. The dudes proceed to discover new and old spots, shred them, and even have a bizarre encounter with a group of Subaru enthusiasts... Ethan's new best buds. Dropping a random pin on your phone to decide where to ride for the day usually ends up leading to a pretty awesome time.
Blindly drop a pin on your phone and see what you can find... Jib master Nate Richter lands deep in the heart of Compton, where he gets right to work keeping it cutty and riding every nook and tranny.
Blindly drop a pin on your phone and see what you can find. Colin Varanyak hits the jackpot and drops his pin in Downtown San Diego on a Sunday afternoon with JJ Palmere and Demarcus Paul... Thanks to Colin, JJ, and Demo for cruising…
Leave it to Tom Dugan to break the mold and do a "Drop The Pin" in reverse order... Haha. We dropped one with Tom, Shawn Mac, Jordan Hango, and Matt Nordstrom with limited time (During Fit's 2019 complete bikes shoot, but more on that later) and still came across some gems in the form of a community college and a riverbed / ditch with a plethora of setups. Tommy and the dudes made use to say the least.
Stephan August AKA @Bootygroceries drops a random pin in the city of Long Beach and we start our day there, riding everything we find until the sun goes down. Guest appearances from Ben Silver and Ayden Shea.
The first of a new series...Drop The Pin is about simply cruising a random area in search of something outside the norm. Demarcus blindly dropped a pin on a map of the greater San Diego area and we hit the road, parked, and pedaled 'til the sun went down.