This is a very special installment of Unlock the Spot. Why you ask? Well because it illustrates that even Jordan "Mutha F'n" Hango has to work for clips sometimes. Hit the streets with Jordan and the rest of the Fit Team as they "unlock" some sick spots during the filming of "F-IT ALL."
You can't spell KOLE without K-O, and given the 22-year-old's ability to absolutely annihilate all sorts of everything on a bike, its safe to say we've added a heavyweight to the squad in Kole Voelker.
We've got a new series for ya! Some of the breaks before the make - and first up is footy from the filming of Max Miller's F-IT ALL section!
PNW killa John Nelson, coming through with the bars on this mixtape edit! Filmed over the last several months in Seattle, John titled it "No Spots in Seattle" because as a kid, he once asked an older rider why there weren't a lot of pros coming out of the area, and the dude said, "because there's no spots in Seattle" and that always stuck with him. We think it's safe to say Seattle's breeding beasts nowadays! Also, shout out to @ghybikes for keeping John rolling!
Milky grabbed the keys to the FITeen, threw his roommates Ison and Chris and our Canadian Connect Riley Abramyk in the back and headed south to Kole country for a "POWER HOUR" at the Rancho Peñasquitos Skate Park.
You guys are gonna are like this one.
Was geht ab?! Eine halbe Ewigkeit gibt es kein Lebenszeichen von Quirin Reichmeyer und in der Gerüchteküche flüstert man sich hinter vorgehaltener Hand sogar zu, dass der bayrische Weltenbummler in letzter Zeit häufiger auf einem Surfbrett als auf seinem BMX-Fahrrad gesichtet wurde – und ZACK! Da haut uns der Railrideking auch schon ein neues Video für AllRide BMX Distribution, Fitbikeco. und den 360gradshop um die Ohren, das härter hittet als die Brandung in Nazaré. Auf keinen Fall verpassen!
San Diego shredder Kole Voelker, the newest member of the FIT familia, shares his new Sleeper build and then shows us what it can do. Wake up and smell the coffee world, Kole is the truth and we're just getting started!