Name: Dorian Ghanty (@dorianghanty)
Age: 24
Hometown: Paris, France
Hook-ups/Sponsors: All Is Possible Clothing
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: I have too many fav spots to ride, like handrails or ledge but if I had to choose one I would say the Da Waves (curbs) in my childhood hometown.
-BMX video: Deadline DVD / Garrett Reynolds - SD Park Mix / Vans Presents : Courage Adams.
-Web video: Wild nature.
-Food: Italian (mainly pizzas) or french food. But always vegetarian for me.
-Person on Instagram: Bruce Lee.
-Travel destination: So many places I would like to travel but first: California.
-Riders to ride with: Maxime Bouzid / Auguste Pellaud / Didine Terchague / Bradley Morrissey / Bobby Taffoureau and so many, the list is too long…
-Car: Audi RS5 (but it’ll stay in my dreams haha).
Name: Dennis Moeller
Age: 28
Hometown: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Kink BMX, Traffic BMX, Kunstform BMX Shop
---The FAT favorite list---
-Spot to ride: Dietenbach Skatepark, Streets
-BMX video: Deadline
-Web video: Julian Arteaga - Sunday Bikes X Common Crew Video Part 2017
-Food: Lasagne
-Twitter to follow: none
-Person on Instagram: elo____
-Riders to ride with: Love to ride with my homies Felix Donat, Alex Ille, Maikey…
-Car: E21
-Movie: Pulp Fiction
Name: Hayden Bennet
Age: 23
Hometown: Uttoxeter (Stoke), England.
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Crucial BMX Shop, RHK-BODEGA.
The FAT FAVs list:
-Spot to ride: Anything you can smash your pegs into
-BMX video: The Price is Wrong
-Web video: every YATETAPE
-Food: Anything that swims
-Twitter to follow: Don't have Twitter anymore RIP
-Person on Instagram: Eric Elstran, dude is jokes
-Travel destination: The Pyrenees for sure
Name: Mason White
Age: 23
Hometown: Lolo, Montana. USA.
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Nowear Bmx, Pusher Bmx, Ridebrand
-Spot to ride: Greenwood Village park (aka DTC park) and The Nowear Compound in Unadilla Nebraska.
-BMX video: Drew Bezanson’s Uncontainable
-Website: NoWear
-Food: I could spend the rest of my life eating French toast.
-Person on Instagram: Mason Ritter!
-Travel destination: Denver Colorado is my favorite place to be!
-Riders to ride with: All of my Nowear family members and anyone that’s genuinely happy to be out
Name: Aaron Paffenholz
Age: 23
Hometown: Cologne, Germany
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Kunstform BMX Shop, Cult, Éclat, Traffic-distribution, Fracture
---The FAT favorite list---
-Spot to ride: There are too many Streetspot that I love to ride, but the Northbrigade in Cologne is definitely my favorite Skatepark.
-BMX video: I think everyone’s first thought is Deadline
-Website: Uuuuuh!
-Web video: Paradise from Felix & Jordan is such a motivating Video
-Food: Burger or Pizza
-Travel destination: I really want to go to Cali one day.
-Car: I‘m not really into cars but a Campervan is gold.