Name: Tucker Smith
Age: 19
Hometown: Laguna Hills, CA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: None but I count my father!
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Laguna Niguel Skatepark, Woodward West
-BMX video: All Props videos
-Website: Youtube
-Food: Breakfast foods (eggs, bacon, french toast, waffles, or pancakes)
-Twitter to follow: none
Name of your shop: Trainbmx
Location: 38170 Klein Vahlberg/ Germany
Years in business: Since 2014
Employees: None
What was the reason for you to start a BMX shop?
Trainbmx: While on my old 30 years old profession as a mechanic / master, I had no more desire and then spontaneously on 22.05.14 I founded my shop. Since I have been arranging myself in the BMX for decades, it was not difficult for me.
The Rollback: a BMX Podcast episode thirty-two with Tony D.
Name shop: Groundedbmx
Location: Ninove
Years in business: 8
Employees: 2 sometimes 3
What was the reason for you to start a BMX shop?
Groundedbmx: I always knew I wanted to run my own company. Since my head is always full of ideas I talked to a friend of mine who has owned multiple businesses to figure out what Idea I should pursue. He told me to only go for the one I’m most passionate about. So, that was BMX :), a no brainer.
What was your first location like?
Groundedbmx: I started Grounded as an online store but soon had customers picking up parts in my bedroom which turned into a stockroom pretty quickly.
How did your first year turn out?
Name: RattyMaty
Age: 31
Hometown: Cottonwood, CA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Hinterland Empire (clothing), BoldBrew (coffee), BoneDeth (bmx), Clayer (pain relief product)
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Currently Ocean Beach, CA skatepark with my dog RockSea
-BMX video: SquareOne Up In Arms
-Website: TedTalks
-Web video: None
-Twitter to follow: None
-Person on Instagram: Thomas @tidibi_bmx
-Travel destination: Japan
-Riders to ride with: Kize @stixsixsix, Tom @youareawkward, Gary @garybyoung, Parker @parkerheath_, Sequoyah, Rob @jensen4130, Thomas @tidibi_bmx
The Rollback: a BMX Podcast episode thirty-two with Justin Dowell.