Bonntanamo for life! Auch weit jenseits der 30 lassen Max Gaertig und Martin "Billy" Mahlert keine Gelegenheit aus, ihre armen geschundenen Greisenkörper in Gefahrensituationen zu bringen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Video, das nicht zuletzt dank der wilden Eskapaden dieser beiden Herren eigentlich in den Top 3 mitspielen sollte.
Max Gaertig has been consistently killing it for decades now, so whenever we get a new video from this guy we get hyped. Max found some lost tapes on his hard drive and combined them with some fresh footage to bring you just over two and a half minutes of Max G goodness.
Max Gaertig has been holding it down for Animal in Germany for years and it's always sick to see new footage from him. Super tech mixed with burly and some great spot use to top it all off—classic Max Gaertig from start to finish.
The WETHEPEOPLE crew set out in January 2016 to film for their third full-length BMX video and traveled to over 10 countries, exploring over 20 cities and destroying themselves mentally and physically in the process.
Ed Zunda, Dillon Lloyd, Mike Curley, Pete Sawyer, Max Gaertig, Felix Prangenberg, Mo Nussbaumer, Dan Kruk, Jordan Godwin and a huge bunch of the Wethepeople family are all part of this feature length BMX video – all pieced together by the unrelenting filmmaker Cal Earnshaw.