Guest List 13 is now live! Featuring Odyssey's Santiago Laverde, who invited San Diego local / Haro Bikes rider Michael Mogollon. Enjoy!
Filmed entirely in Barcelona, Spain during the time period of Santi receiving his official legal documents to stay in Europe and reside in Spain. "Resident" is a celebration of that and to the bright future ahead for Santiago Laverde!
Sit back and enjoy 7 minutes from a massive squad of Barcelona locals, courtesy of Fernando Laczko and his latest trip to mecca. So much talent out there!
Santiago Laverde in Barcelona
El 69, como el yin y el yang, uno derecho y otro izquierdo, es la dualidad que le dio acción a este video. Santiago Laverde y Andrés Ochoa inmortalizando los buenos momentos que pasamos produciendo este video. [6969.- Dualidad]