Adem Gunaydin is now part of the Bone Deth Deadman Team. Video shot summer and fall 2020.
Josh Delarosa putting the Bone Deth PH48s to use. Riding deadman set ups and rough terrain day in and day out. The Bone Deth PH48s are designed for riders who abuse wheels.
BURNS! Filmed over the past two years, ECLAT PRO and BMX street legend Sean Burns comes through with a banger filled video part of leather-clad roof drops, high-speed gaps, and full-throttle madness.
Metal bikes Dead Bang.
No matter where you travel in the world, the locals you meet will always have a "Sean Burns gap" that he's never even ridden, but he epitomises everything about the full speed, high danger stunt. This new section from Bone Deth's 'Too Fast For Food' DVD is another string to his epic DVD appearance bow - some of those gaps are straight up terrifying. All hail the king of drops.
#ECLATSOCIALITES. Ty Morrow, Bruno Hoffmann, Sean Burns, Dan Coller, and Devon Smillie ascend on the BMX Mecca of Austin, Texas for a week. The Socialites trip was dubbed “an end of the year Eclat vacation” but you wouldn’t know it from the amount of work these guys put in all over Austin and nearby San Antonio.
Sean Burns part from the full length dvd "the Dirty Sniff"
When you ride the way Sean Burns does, you don't want things to take a lot of tries. For Burns, it's typically do or die. In a rare instance while in San Antonio on Eclat Socialites trip, Sean came across a feeble-to-wallride setup that didn’t want to come easy for him.