The Substance shop crew never stop and this time Joe Jarvis, Guy Scroggie, Si Gibb and recent team additions Ben Gordon and Ross Taylor head north to Aberdeen to meet up with their Grief buds for a few days of bikes, Soops, dodging security, and a whole load of jive.
This is a great watch. Just before lockdown, the Substance shop crew met up for another instalment of their Substance In The City series at their HQ in Glasgow, and rode from day until night, with a lil' pizza stop in between. Corona, angry security, and alcohol laced energy drink night session included.
We're back with another episode of Substance In The City, this time we shoved the guys in a couple of cars and head north to the Granite City - Aberdeen. It was a classic case of Scottish weather with sun then rain, then sun again, but we had a blast as usual. Near misses with cars, dick doinks, John the Seagull, handrails, space-age eye visors and more. Featuring Joe Jarvis, Guy Scroggie, Jack Campbell, Si Gibb, Craig Sime and Doug Souter. Enjoy!