Our BMX crew went on a tour to Athens, Greece in January 2025! Enjoy the unique and crazy spots of Athens alongside the SkatePro BMX team / 22Cru friends while they explore the City! Incredible vibes, insane tricks and a tour that will go down in history!
Throwback to summer, the Highway Patrol was out cruising the streets of Barcelona in order to provide the video-evidence necessary to showcase the true talent of our officers. The final evidence is now available for the public, so sit back and enjoy!
Our Icelandic shredder, Bjarki Hardarson, filmed this little bike check in his local indoor skatepark. Take notice - and enjoy!
Our rider Austin moved to Mallorca late 2020 after living in Barcelona for awhile. Luckily before moving he had already met the locals and hit it off. Now after living here they’ve become some of his really good friends, who will do and help out with anything. This video is a testament to that, being filmed by Juan Giraldo, who always puts his homies first and who always is ready to go on missions together.