Relentless NASS 2010 has come to an end. The event here not only has amazing contests, it’s a huge music festival too. Awesome bands playing on three different stages, amusement park rides, on site camping, athlete lounge... just a whole package of fun. The only downside for me is having to sit out of riding because of my broken leg. Last year NASS was the same weekend as the World Championships in Cologne, so a lot of riders couldn’t make it to NASS. But this year, almost all of the best riders came out to ride. Watching Goliath Mega-Ramp for me this morning was hard because I remember the feeling of being on top of the Ramp from last year. I couldn’t believe I was missing out. The contest was still intense though. The wind was messing the riders up a bit, but they still went insane.
Goliath Mega Ramp:
Kelly Bolton went for a huge Backflip Table, a 720, & a Superman-Seat-grab back-flip. Unfortunately, he crashed on all three.
Aaron Nicholson won on this year’s mega ramp, pulling a triple whip