Chris Raceles: My title at Dubach Racing was Sales manager but I was also the main technical support person, media contact, rider support manager etc. In a nutshell, “I wore many hats there”.

Chris Raceles: I expect to learn and grow as a person both professionally and personally and to be one of the elements that will keep Haro Bikes as one of the industry leaders. In the motocross industry I was always on the sales side of things and my new position as Haro’s bmx product manager allows me to be a little more creative and I am completely psyched to be doing this job.
How long have you been riding BMX?
Chris Raceles: I have been riding bicycles since I was three years old and would always be on the hunt for that perfect curb to jump off of or make shift a ramp out of a milk crate and plywood. I never really had the chance to race bmx or ride trails until around 1995. The first trails that I ever rode were the “Lincoln Trails” in Vista, CA and I have loved it ever since. I love all aspects and disciplines of both bmx and motocross. I love being in the dirt!

Chris Raceles: I definitely plan on continuing to do product testing. I love trying new things and searching for that next new cool product. I look forward to collaborating with Haro’s riders and my fellow employees to produce the best products we possibly can.
Have you always had a work shop at home working on stuff?
Chris Raceles: Yes! I love to wrench. I am always tinkering with something whether it be motorcycles, bicycles or what ever. In fact, back when I started riding bicycles (age 3) I went to my neighbor’s house to borrow his tools so that I could take off my training wheels. Imagine a little kid who looked like he should still be in diapers coming t

Are you looking forward to work with the riders on new product?
Chris Raceles: Definitely! I have known some of them for a while now and I look forward to meeting the rest.
Taiwan, have you been already?
Chris Raceles: I have not been there yet but it looks like I will be going some time in the next few months.

Chris Raceles: I am just really happy to be involved with spec/development. I’m looking forward to traveling and meeting new people and I am very excited about the future. I am psyched on riding so I am looking forward to doing a lot of that. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Haro for accepting me in to the company. They have all been very good to me and I appreciate it.