Chad: I entered pro and feel that I have been pro since around 1994 or so. Back then I did feel I was at the level and fit in. Now is a whole different story, but I have so much fun riding now and don't have to prove myself.

Chad: Owner and President, I do most everything but my main focus is on the bike side of the shop and park
How many employees?
Chad: 6 employees and a ton of helpers, there are a lot of jobs and maintenance to do

Chad: Oh hell ya. The biggest problem is getting them to show up on time. When they are here they are awesome. But sometimes when their friends show up they have to show off. We are cracking down a ton lately, this isn't a small deal anymore, it's big time so we want to treat it for real.

Chad: It is pretty simple, don't have a ton of clutter, tons of lights, and built custom displays. We could set out all our product in piles all the way to the ceiling, and maybe that works for some places, but not us. When we build a new display we factor in the lighting so it's not too overpowering, simple and clean. When you arrive at our building it's not the best condition on the outside, then you step into the shop and your mouth will drop. We set out individual shirts, one stem at a time, one of each thing. When it gets sold we bring out a new one. Clean and simple, or as Borat would say "very nice". It is a little more work, specially folding t-shirts all day long, but it's worked for us and worth it.
Is it important to you to change up the park from time to time?
Chad: Very important. Only problem is the time and the $ to do it. We have budgets for everything at Mesh. So if we are doing good we build. The shop might kick ass one month, but we don't take the extra money from the shop budget to build ramps, we build a new display or buy more inventory. That is a weird one. I hate budgets, but they are working.

Chad: Not a damn thang. We allow them 7 days a week. We have two sides, the bike and the skate side. 6 days a week you ride on your own side, one day we do a switch. But the good thing is if it's not busy, ride where ever you want. This has worked out and is pretty sweet. We are expanding outside to make a bike plaza. We are going to copy a lot of street places that are fun as hell. There is going to be a tree ride, bank to fence, jersey barriers, ledges, curved walls, and tons of different size rails. And the best part is that most everything will be changed every few months.
How much action does the outdoor section get?
Chad: Check the answer before this to see what is coming up. But as for now we have an 80ft wide mini bowled in on one end, extensions, escalators, and rideable rails all around it. It is pretty mellow, but fun and sweet as hell. We plan on bowling in the 8ft side before summer.
Who builds the ramps?
Chad: We have had some special guest builders like Wessel and Mean Gene, but the bulk of it was my partner Brett Peterson, my other partner Simon Ondrek, and myself.
Any plans for 2007?
Chad: Think I covered most of that in the previous questions. Another thing we are trying to work out is a mini kids section out front, that way some of the little tikes aren't getting smothered. Parents can sit in their cars and watch them too. We are working on wireless internet throughout the building. We are doing it a little bit right now, but only for certain people. It was mentioned to some kids and they were way too excited. Now they can come here and do some school work, or just pick up on myspace.com. Look out for that coming early 2007. Our full food service is coming as well, fries, burgers, sandwiches, etc. plus all the video games you could ever want. If that isn't enough we are putting in a coffee and espresso machine. Support Mesh and big things will happen. Ohh ya, our meshonlineshop is up and running on eBay. Check it when you get a chance. We are just getting started, but by next summer we should be rocking without stopping, get it right get it tight.
Pics: Mesh