- Basically, they’re all friends of mine that have immense industry experience, and a great ability to communicate what they know. We needed a staff of well-rounded, experienced, bright guys working on this so we can cover every dimension of the industry, and I think we found it. From working in shops, doing shows, being a professional rider, working for/ running a magazine, running a company, running a distribution, being in sales, dealing directly with shops as a rep- we’ve got it all covered. The diversity of the staff will make the content thorough and interesting- and most of all, based on real experience and well-founded opinion.

- We feel strongly that an industry as diverse and progressive as BMX will never grow to its potential if the companies, distributors, magazines, etc. do not have a direct, reliable link to the IBD’s. Obviously every company markets on their own, and sells in their own way, but a majority of that marketing is directed towards the end user. The shop is a vitally important piece of that equation, and often dictates a different type of marketing. There are so many great companies out there, large and small, and we feel that all will benefit from this direct link. For a small company especially, a direct link to the shops could be the difference between sink or swim.

- Yes, they are. They are working with us on production and distribution. We took our ideas to them, they helped us narrow them into the best possible package, and now they will help us with printing and distribution. They have such a great reputation with so many dealers, it is going to be a great advantage for us to be able to share their distribution channels and experience. We’re creating a “super list”, combining the most comprehensive dealer list from BMX and Bicycle Retailers list, and that is where “The Industry” will go. The first issue (Interbike 2007) will actually ship along with Retailer in order to reach the most diverse audience, and hopefully appeal to some of the shops that haven’t had too much exposure to current BMX. We are very grateful for Retailer’s assistance with this project.

- The best way is via email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If you’re interested in more info, please send an email and we’ll send you our media kit/ company information right away. Artwork/ design/ ad spec questions can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Who is running the day-by-day work?
- Since all of us have other things going on in addition to the magazine, we are going to share the “day-to-day” stuff. For the most part, James and I will be taking care of the email communication, booking ad space, etc., but everyone will be hustling to get ads and making sure the information gets out there. Here’s the masthead for those that haven’t seen it:

Editor: Greg Walsh
Art director: Chris Hargrave
Art director: Aaron Burto
Staff writer: Kent Pearson
Staff writer: Brian Tunney
Staff writer: Scott Towne
Where will the mag be printed?
- It will be printed out here (California) in conjunction with Retailer.
How is distribution set up?
- Like I mentioned earlier, we’re creating a collaborative list that “The Industry” and Bicycle Retailer will share. It will include 5,000+ shops, and all the industry people that need to see it around the world.

-Easier? Probably. “Ease” wasn’t necessarily the main focus of the project! Websites are great, but definitely lend themselves a little better to marketing to riders, or the end user. For a shop to dig up all the information we’re going to provide in a prepackaged, reliable format would take hours of time away from them selling bikes and bike parts. In addition, we want dealers, companies, and everyone in between to be able to use the magazine as a resource for selling, promoting, purchasing, and research. Companies need to aspire to give the dealers as much information as possible with the least amount of effort- our magazine coming to their door is much more effective and efficient than expecting them to spend hours on the internet.

- After saying all that- yes, there is. Right now, it’s just going to be 1 page that contains our content outline, staff bios, ad spec’s, and contact info. It is: theindustrybmxmag.com, and will be up on/ around July 5th. If anyone wants to work on the website to make it more than that, please get in touch!
How many times a year will The Industry be published?
- There will be 2 issues in 2007- the first will be released for/ at Interbike (Sept.), and the next will be a follow-up/ Christmas issue in November. For 2008, there will definitely be 4 issues, however if the response is great, we would be open to doing 5 or 6. Another thing that is great about working with Retailer is that they are constantly printing, so if we need to add an issue, or push something back a week to get some breaking news in, we can do it without much shuffling.
What's the goal for the trade mag?
- We want to provide a forum for companies to reach their dealers. With postage prices going through the roof, dealer-direct marketing is so expensive, and also sporadically effective. We are going to provide a 1-stop avenue for the dealers across the country to stay current and up to speed with all aspects of BMX. Our ultimate goal is to report what is going on in the entire industry to the people that need the information most- the IBD’s.