Sam Schulte Owner of Tree is offering a rare opportunity for a rare individual. The perfect person is someone who is well versed in digital marketing, branding, sales, thinks outside of the box, has owned or ran a business, etc.
-You must have BMX in your soul
-You can work from any location Worldwide
-Completely driven and motivated to pursue things you are passionate about, without the need for direction from a boss.
-Someone who can be given a plan and then execute that plan to the fullest extent. You will have complete freedom and autonomy in this role I only require that you produce the results.
-You will be responsible for running the entire company. You will be paid a percentage of the revenue you produce. At first you won’t be making much money but if you properly execute the plan I have laid out you have the potential of making a very nice living.
-I am only looking for someone who wants to put value out, and will work relentlessly to achieve the goals for Tree even when there is no reward for your efforts in sight.
You can email me why you think you would be the right person for the job at (subject:Tree Position)
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Formal resume is not necessary, but give enough reason as to why you have the skills or drive needed.
Or Call 314-352-1501 and leave a message.