The supply chain has also suffered. Has it been a challenge getting the bikes/product in stock that you needed for your customers?
Pusher BMX: Getting product has been increasingly difficult the last year. Certain things just aren't available and trying to relay that to customers has been difficult as well. It has turned into a purchasing war out there, with every shop and distribution trying to get what they can. Take the good with the bad they say.
Have you been able to keep your shop open all this time?Pusher BMX: Yes! We have been able to keep open the entire time. We closed down for a half day when all the initial rules went into effect, but they changed the rules and we were allowed to be open after all. Interesting couple of days to say the least.
If so, what are measures you had to take to keep the door open?
Pusher BMX: We have to enforce the mask rule which has been very easy with our rad customers support, also we will limit the number of people in the shop from time to time. Small price to pay to keep the doors open.
Have internet sales/mail-order sales made up for loss of shop sales?
Pusher BMX: Our mailorder has picked up a bit for sure, but with the shop staying open we've been up in sales on both ends.
During the pandemic has it been difficult to organize local events to support the local scene and get the customers in the shop?Pusher BMX: Contests, jams, shop signings have been non existent for 2020. That has probably been the one thing we miss the most.
What mouth masks do you sell?
Pusher BMX: We sold some of the SandM masks for a bit. We should make our own but were also kinda lazy haha.
When do you believe this mess will be over?
Pusher BMX: My beleif is that we won't see a bit of normalcies till late summer in to fall. That's just my thoughts but the world might have diffrent ideas for us tho.
Thanks to?
Pusher BMX: Thanks to all our customers new and old for your unbelievable support throughout this crazy year. Thanks to all our distributors for doing everything they can to help keep us stay alive and prosperous.Thanks to FATBMX for thinking about us for this interview.
Your website: Pusher BMX