The Subdivision Show is an annual gathering of BMX companies, dealers and riders. Andy Zeiss made the trip over to Binghampton and took the following pictures. We checked in with Steve Crandall, one of the organizers, to see what the show is all about.
FATBMX: How many years have you had the Subdivision show going?
Steve: This was the 3rd year in a row...
FATBMX: Obviously you are busy enough doing FBM and running your distribution company, what was the main reason behind putting on the Subdivision show?
Steve: We originally wanted to do an open house like Quality and some of the bigger distributors do, and we figured more dealers would show up if some of our friends(bike companies) were here as well, and it evolved out of that. Jeff Harrington had wanted to do it for a while, and we had the space, so we gave it a shot. The main goal was to get dealers more informed about BMX, hopefully its helping.
How has the show grown over the years?
Steve: This past year was really good, probably twice as big as the first year, A lot of cool companies, dealers and a ton of riders.
Next to having booths up from manufacturers/BMX companies, what else do you have going that weekend?
Steve: We has a contest at the skatepark upstairs (East Coast Terminal) which has a new owner, so it was cool, new set up, and a lot of fun. We also had an FBM Video Premiere, with bands playing. Lelands band Dirty Bird rocked the house, and Lucero who is very popular amongst BMXers, kicked ass. it ruled. People seemed to have had alot of Fun. The Belmar was an event as well, its a dive bar down the street, and shit gets wild there...
Who helps you out putting the show on?
Steve: All the guys at FBM, and East Coast Terminal had a part in making the weekend a success. Jeff Harrington Mike Erb and Myself did alot of the Show/ Concert organizing, and Kerry Sayre Did the Comp. Everyone throws in a hand though, even the riders that hang around helped out.
Do you believe the BMX industry is big enough for a (trade) show like this?
Steve: Absolutely, alot of smaller companies have a tough time getting their foot in the door, and lost in the shuffle, so its helpful for them.its also really cool because dealers get to interact with their vendors as well as potential customers, along with the riders they look up to. It's not a smaller version of interbike, its more like a BMX extravaganza, its a good time.
Do you want BMX to be as big as the skateboarding and snowboarding industry?
Steve: I wouldn't complain. It would suck if we all put forth some honest effort and it got worse.
Do you feel it's important that BMX-ers are running the BMX industry?
Steve: BMXers know what makes BMX work, or at least some people do. BMXers, and some help from competent people would be a nice mix. People that care about BMX.
What do you do to attract the dealers to come to the show?
Steve: We tried making some good bike parts for them to check out, some new stuff as well. Purchase incentives, a good time overall, and a pro Bike Contest where dudes ape it hard. I don't know if any dealers cared, But a guy in a wheel chair did a stage dive during the Dirty Bird set, thats a pretty big Attraction in my book.
Do you want to take over from Interbike?
Steve: No, its a whole separate type of event.
Any shout outs regarding the Subdivision show?
Steve: Thanks to the guys at FBM, all the dealers, exhibitors, riders, The Rock and Roll bands, and everyone that came out to show support for something cool. I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Thanks Steve!