History class never appealed to me. I dropped it as soon as I could. When it comes to BMX history, it's a different story. You see I’ve always thought that BMX originated in the USA in the late sixties until I walked passed a bookstore the other day. On the poster in the shop window was a picture of two kids riding bikes at a “fietscross” in 1956. The photo was taken in St.-Anthonis, Holland 15 miles from the FATBMX office. I walked in the store, searching for the mag and found “Ach Lieve Tijd”. The € 4.95 cover prize was a steal for a piece of BMX history. A quick search for more BMX pics was a negative but a story about Motocross I found. It mentioned that the sport of Motocross was started in the Netherlands on modified Nortons, DKW’s and BSA’s. Seeing that there is a truth to this, it is acceptable to believe that there were kids around pretending they had motorcycles but riding their bikes instead.
Bicycle Motocross anyone?